Let Us Help You


Plan  --  Prepare  -- Protect

Death is something we all must face yet no one likes to talk about. We have seen family after family unprepared for this moment and it turns everyone’s life upside down.

We want to help families prepare for this phase of life with information and a little planning.

Let Us Help You

An interactive application to help people complete a funeral plan

This blueprint makes it simple to plan out the wishes of you or your loved one.




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Celebrate life


This is where you normally find the google reviews to see what people are saying about us. Well we are brand new. We hope you find the site useful and leave us a great review.

We started pregacy to provide information on how to prepare for funerals. My family has been in the funeral business over 2 decades.

During that time we have learned these are 2 types of families: prepared and unprepared.

The prepared are able to celebrate the life of their loved one and work through the grieving process.

The unprepared struggle to make decision, unsure of what the loved one wanted and how to play for it.

We want to help more people be prepared.

We look forward to you feedback on how we are doing. we work to get a little better everyday. click here to leave us a review. if ypu have question, feel free to email us at [email protected] or start up a conversation in chat.


What we do

Provide helpful information in to help you preserve your legacy.

Connect you with professionals to help you along the way in one location.

Have information sent directly to you.

A one stop location to help you plan, prepare and protect your legacy in one simple to use app.

We hope you find this website useful, informational, and inspiring.

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